Milestone C-130J Super Hercules to Air Mobility Command
Fonte: defencetalk
MARIETTA, Ga: Lockheed Martin yesterday delivered the 100th C-130J Super Hercules to the U.S. Government. The C-130J was delivered to Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark., where it is assigned to the 41st Airlift Squadron, the Blackcats, which is currently engaged in Southwest Asia on their first combat deployment. This latest C-130J was accepted by Brig. Gen. Rowayne A. Schatz Jr., Commander, 314th Airlift Wing, and Installation Commander at Little Rock Air Force Base.
It's a special honor and privilege for me to deliver this amazing aircraft to the 41st Airlift Squadron, the first active-duty Air Mobility Command unit to employ the special capabilities of the C-130J into combat," said Brig. Gen. Schatz. "It will soon add to the Blackcats' legend and distinguished history of providing the nation a vital combat airlift capability. Taking our soldiers, sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, and airmen off the roads in Iraq and Afghanistan, getting the wounded warrior to medical care, and delivering cargo when and where it is needed, are just a few of the vital missions the C-130J allows combat airlifters to perform with greater efficiency than ever before," he said.
In the United States, Air Mobility Command, Air Education and Training Command, Air Force Reserve Command and Air National Guard units fly C-130Js. The Marine Corps operates KC-130J tankers and the Coast Guard flies the HC-130J. International C-130J operators include the Royal Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Italian Air Force and Royal Danish Air Force. Norway, Canada and India have ordered new C-130J fleets.
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 140,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation reported 2007 sales of $41.9 billion.
USAF recebe o 100o Super Hercules C-130J.
Tradução by Vinna
Marietta, Ga: A Lockheed Martin entregou ontem a 100a unidade do Super Hercules C-130J USAF. O C-130J foi entregue em Little Rock Air Force Base, ao 41 º Esquadrão de Transporte Aéreo, o BlackCats, que está actualmente baseado no Sudoeste da Ásia. Este último C-130J foi recebido pelo Brigadeiro. Gen. Rowayne A. Schatz Jr., comandante, 314a ala de Transporte Aéreo e Comandante em Little Rock Air Force Base.
“É uma honra e privilégio especial para mim receber esta incrível aeronave para o 41 º Esquadrão de Transporte Aéreo, o primeiro de todo o “Air Mobility Command” capaz de empregar as capacidades especiais do C-130J em combate", disse o Brigadeiro. Gen. Schatz." Ele irá oferecer a nação um capacidade vital de transporte", disse ele.
Nos Estados Unidos, além do Air Mobility Command, Comando Aéreo Educação e Formação, o Air Force Reserve - Comando Aéreo Guarda Nacional voam os C-130J.
O Marine Corps opera o KC-130J cisterna e a Guarda Costeira utiliza o HC-130J. São operadores internacionais do modelo a Royal Air Force - RAF, Real Força Aérea Australiana, A Força Aerea Italiana e Real Força Aérea Dinamarquesa, alem de Noruega, Canadá e Índia que já assinaram contratos de fornecimento do novissimo C-130J.
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